Skill Development and Training
Programmes for Self-Help Groups

As an institution that promotes science-based community programmes, we have developed skill development and training programmes, grounded in scientific research.

Our training programmes are in diversified areas such as water, sanitation & hygiene, sustainable agriculture, organic farming, pollinators, agro-ecosystems, conservation of forests, lakes and water bodies and sustainable technology solutions. Here is a brief overview of some of the training programmes for self-help groups:

Skill development programme on making eco-friendly goods for
sustainable living and to reduce plastic pollution

We work with subject experts and social entrepreneurs to promote eco-friendly goods, bags, hadicrafts and products used in daily life. This is encouraged to replace plastic products and reduce plastic pollution. The programme includes skill development of self-help groups for making eco-friendly goods from natural fibres such as Sabai grass, Golden grass, Water reed, Bamboo and Rambans fibre. The programme reinforces the importance of environment conservation, tree plantation and water conservation.

Water Hyacinth – From Weed & Waste towards Wealth

We organise skill development programmes for women self-help groups on making eco-friendly products from Water Hyacinth, and in the process, aimed at enhancing livelihood opportunities. The seven to ten days training programme helps self-help group members to identify the fibre and learn about drying, cleaning, processing and refining of the fibre to make environment-friendly bags, folders, hats and mats. There are learning sessions on the potential of using water hyacinth as a soil conditioner to self-help group members. The programme also reinforces the importance of the conservation of lakes, water bodies and wetlands.

Training on energy-efficient and sustainable technology solutions

The programme includes sessions with scientists and technology experts on building awareness and understanding of scientifically designed fuel-efficient devices for agro-processing and cooking in rural areas. These sustainable technology solutions help in the conservation of forests. The experts develop specially curated learning modules on self-enabling technologies for skill development of youth in rural areas. These include assembling, repairing and maintaining cook-stoves, bathwater stoves, biogas units and agro-processing dryers. The programme reinforces the importance of forest conservation and promotes the use of energy-efficient and sustainable technology solutions.

Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture

The training programme is specially curated for the benefit of professionals working in the agro sector on sustainable agriculture. It builds awareness and understanding of the conservation of natural resources and its significance in sustainable farming practices. The programme uses assessment tools for landscape survey, soil survey and water resources in the agricultural areas.
It helps develop an understanding of conservation of soil, terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. The programme also addresses organic farming, water conservation and climate-related aspects.

Conservation of Pollinators

The training programme includes sessions with scientists to learn about the identification of the bees and butterflies using our mobile applications, 'Pollinators' and 'Bees and Butterflies', as field guides. The programme supports training on apiculture practices, plantation of bee flora, and maintenance of the beehives.

Programme on Climate Action and Water Conservation

The programme is specially curated for self-help groups in rural areas. It will include sessions with scientists on understanding the changing climate and an overview of the science of climate change. The programme will have specific sessions on agriculture, water resources, forests and biodiversity, and their connection with the weather and meteorological studies. The programme will also introduce scientifically designed energy-efficient devices and sustainable technology solutions in rural areas. The participants would share their thoughts and ideas about climate action in their local context.